FOG Blog
Our sixth event was a great success! We brightened the longest night, celebrated the return of longer days, and met great people. Here are some highlights: We had great weather for another year - a rainy week but a dry event. We estimate about 550 people walked part or all of the 3.7 billion miles from the Sun at the south end of Lake Sacajawea to Pluto at the north end. We had the world's longest Fun Run from the Sun to Pluto. Couples, individuals, families, and pets had a great time - many dressed up with lanterns and lights. Once again we had visitors drive in from far and wide just to participate. We even had some from Scotland! Thanks for joining us! Some made it all the way to Pluto, and some made it there and back. Our route followed the Solar System Walk given to the City of Longview by the Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club in 2001. The walk is a series of granite markers showing the relative distances between the Sun and the planets - our solar system, scaled down to Lake Sacajawea. The markers follow the path on the west side of Lake Sacajawea, over 1.64 miles. Solar System Walk We had passports for people to take to each planet and get stamped. Thank you to Pat Palmer at Copies Today/Speedy Litho for donating the printing for our passports - again. They looked great! The planets were lit up in a small way or in a big way. Kids got candy at several planets and people got to know some of the great clubs in our community. Bonus - Cowlitz River Kayakers had their annual Christmas Paddle at Lake Sacajawea. What a great sight to see all the lit up kayaks on the lake! Cowlitz River Kayakers Bonus - Cowlitz Valley Runners hosted our second Solstice Fun Run - the world's longest! It was 3.7 billion miles from the Sun at the south end of Lake Sacajawea to Pluto at the north end. Cowlitz Valley Runners ![]() Bonus - Adiel Boaglio, celebrating her birthday the next day, was kind enough to start the Fun Run and was one of our event judges. Stay tuned to find out which planet won. * * * * * If you walked the whole Solar System (3.7 billion miles!), you saw:
The Sun - Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club started off the event with lanterns and passports and candy for the kids. FoG has monthly meetings, sidewalk astronomy, star parties, and our annual overnight event at Mount St. Helens. Mercury - Silver Lake Resort came out for the first time and had an interactive booth. How did you do on their corn hole toss? Venus - The Girl Scouts of Western Washington came out again with a big, welcoming tent. Cookie season is right around the corner! Earth - Three Rivers Christian School came out again to support the Solstice Lantern Walk. What a great turnout they had! Mars - Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School was our very first planet sponsor in 2018! They handed out chocolates and glow sticks for everyone. Learn self-defense and confidence in a friendly, low-impact, non-competitive atmosphere right here in Longview. Jupiter - Freemasons of Cowlitz County - Thank you, Masons! Freemasons have been making good men better for over 100 years right here in Kelso and Longview. Saturn - Cowlitz Coin Club. New to the event in 2023, the Coin Club had great conversations about the interesting coins they had on display. And guess what - Cowlitz Coin Club was our Grand Prize winner for Best Planet in 2024! Congratulations! Cowlitz Coin Club (on Facebook) Uranus - The Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council didn't just have a good set up and interesting information about their planet ("12 Facts About Uranus!"), they added s'mores and a warming tent! Both were very welcome at that point in the walk. Sacajawea - First-time sponsor Cowlitz County Historical Museum came out with lots of great info about our area. Have you visited the museum yet? Honorable Mention - People’s Choice for Best Planet in 2024. Congratulations! Neptune - The Lower Columbia School Gardens returned with an even better booth than last year, and more samples of terrific homemade bread. Honorable Mention - People’s Choice for Best Planet in 2024. Congratulations! Lunar Library - Our friends at Kelso Library came out for their first time at the Solstice Walk. Check out the library! Honorable Mention - People’s Choice for Best Planet in 2024. Congratulations! Pluto - Friends of the Longview Public Library returned to anchor our event at the north end of the lake. Well done! friendslongviewwalibrary For those too tired to make the return journey, Affi Shrine once again provided our Space Shuttle, a van to take folks back to the start of the event. The Shriners have funded and supported hospitals across the country. Join us for our next event!
We had a great time at our fourth event, December 17, 2022.
We brightened the longest night, celebrated the return of longer days, and met great people. Here are some highlights:
Our route followed the Solar System Walk given to the City of Longview by the Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club in 2001. The walk is a series of granite markers showing the relative distances between the Sun and the planets - it's our solar system, scaled down to Lake Sacajawea. The markers follow the path on the west side of Lake Sacajawea, over 1.64 miles. Solar System Walk We had passports for people to take to each planet and get stamped. Thank you to Pat and Bill at Copies Today/Speedy Litho for donating part of the printing for our passports - again. They looked great! The planets were lit up in a small way or in a big way. Kids got candy at several planets and people got to know some of the great clubs in our community. * * * * * If you walked the whole Solar System (3.7 billion miles!), you saw: The Sun - Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club started off the event with lanterns and passports and candy for the kids. FoG has monthly meetings, sidewalk astronomy, star parties, and our annual overnight event at Mount St. Helens. Mercury - Santa and Mrs. Claus! It was a very busy time for them, of course, but they came to start off the walk with Christmas cheer. Venus - The Girl Scouts of Western Washington came out again with a big, welcoming tent. They worked with the Boy Scouts to light up the path with luminaria... By the way, it'll be cookie season soon. Earth - Three Rivers Christian School came out again to support the Solstice Lantern Walk. What a great turnout they had! Mars - Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School was our very first planet sponsor in 2018! Learn self-defense and self-confidence in a friendly, low-impact, non-competitive atmosphere right here in Longview. Jupiter - Longview Freemasons Lodge #263 - Our most generous donor. Thank you, Masons! Freemasons have been making good men better for centuries. Longview Lodge will celebrate its first century in 1924. Europa - Bethel #65 of Job's Daughters, located in Kelso. They are 10-20 year old daughters of Masons. They learn leadership and develop great friendships... and probably had the best-organized tent. Saturn - Kelso-Longview Elks, Lodge #1482. The Elks did a great job again. Did you see all the glowing Saturn models? elks #1482 Uranus - The Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council didn't just have a good set up and interesting information about their planet ("12 Facts About Uranus!"), they added s'mores and a warming tent! Both were very welcome at that point in the walk. The Boy Scouts worked with the Girl Scouts to cover more than half our route with glowing luminaria to mark the path. What a cheerful trail to follow. Wow! Sacajawea - Longview YMCA. On short notice, we had an awesome staff member come out and represent the Y at our event. Have you checked out the Y? Great facilities and classes, and part of Longview for a century! Neptune - Even with *two* astronomy clubs involved in this event, the Mount St. Helens Hiking Club was the only one to bring along a telescope - four years in a row. Comet Swift-Tuttle - Columbia River Reader brightened up the outer solar system again. Thanks for supporting us with a great description in the CRR! Star Team - Mike Wallin's Star Team with Keller Williams was a new sponsor this year. They did a terrific job helping line the path with beautiful glowing luminaria. Pluto - Rose City Astronomers came all the way from Portland to set up at the far end of the solar system. Check out their calendar of events next time you're in Portland. Space Shuttle - thank you Pat Edwards and the Afifi Shrine for helping our walkers get back to the start. Again! The Shriners meet to have fun and to support Shriner Hospitals around the world. Bonus - Cowlitz River Kayakers had their annual Christmas Paddle at Lake Sacajawea about an hour before we started. What a great trip to see all the lit up kayaks on the lake! Cowlitz River Kayakers. Join us for our next event! Our day and night are of equal length today, as we find our selves between the longest and shortest days of the year.
The solstices and the equinoxes have been vital astronomical events for millennia, in cultures around the world. Here in Longview, the fall equinox marks the start to planning our Solstice Lantern Walk in December. We're getting ready for our fourth one already! Check out the event. Or volunteer. Or sponsor a planet. Bring some light and cheer to the longest night of the year! FoG will take part in the City of Longview's Earth Day festivities at Hemlock Plaza at Lake Sacajawea on Saturday, April 30, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Stop by and say hello!
"The weather turned out to be as good as it could be. Despite leaving Beaverton in the pouring rain, as soon as we approached Longview, the winds died down and the rain diminished to a light drizzle. Happy Solstice and thank you Longview!
It was our muddiest event yet. A few people wondered if we'd cancel due to the afternoon monsoons. Nope! Who's afraid of a little rain? Our third annual Solstice Lantern Walk through the Solar System was on December 18, 2021. The wind and rain eased off as the event started. We had awesome burritos and tacos from Planet Taco (Tacos and Tortas all the way from Centralia). We brightened the longest night, celebrated the return of longer days, and met great people. Here are some highlights:
Our route followed the Solar System Walk given to the City of Longview by the Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club in 2001. The walk is a series of granite markers showing the relative distances between the Sun and the planets - it's our solar system, scaled down to Lake Sacajawea. The markers follow the path on the west side of Lake Sacajawea, over 1.64 miles. Solar System Walk We had passports for people to take to each planet and get stamped. Thank you to Pat and Michelle at Copies Today/Speedy Litho for donating the printing for our passports - a third time. They looked great! The planets were lit up in a small way or in a big way. Kids got candy at several planets and people got to know some of the great clubs in our community. * * * * * If you walked the whole Solar System (3.7 billion miles!), you saw: The Sun - Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club started off the event with lanterns and passports and candy for the kids. FoG has monthly meetings, sidewalk astronomy, star parties, and our annual overnight event at Mount St. Helens. Mercury - Santa and Mrs. Claus! It was a very busy time for them, of course, but they came to start off the walk with Christmas cheer. Venus - The Girl Scouts of Western Washington came out a third time with a big, welcoming tent. They worked with the Boy Scouts to light up the path with luminaria... By the way, it'll be cookie season soon. Earth - Three Rivers Christian School came out a second time to support the Solstice Lantern Walk. What a great turnout they had! Mars - Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School was our very first planet sponsor in 2018! Learn self-defense and self-confidence in a friendly, low-impact, non-competitive atmosphere right here in Longview. Jupiter - Longview Freemasons Lodge #263 - Our most generous donor. Thank you, Masons! Freemasons have been making good men better for centuries. Longview Lodge will celebrate its first century the year after Longview does. Find out more at their Thursday breakfasts (823 7th Ave, Longview, about 8:00 am). Saturn - Kelso-Longview Elks, Lodge #1482. The Elks did a great job again. Did you see all the glowing Saturn models? elks #1482 Planet Taco - Thank you, Tacos and Tortas of Centralia, for joining us with your food truck. Their burritos and tacos were great, and helped fortify people during their billion-mile walk. Tacos and Tortas Uranus - The Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council didn't just have a good set up and interesting information about their planet ("12 Facts About Uranus!"), they added s'mores and a warming tent! Both were very welcome at that point in the walk. This year, the Boy Scouts worked with the Girl Scouts to cover more of our route with glowing luminaria to mark the path. What a cheerful trail to follow. Wow! Sacajawea - Amtgard, Shire of Mithril Hills, is a LARP, a live-action role playing group. Swords, shields, spells - come watch them practice or better yet, join in! They practice at noon on Sundays in Lexington Park. Amtgard Mithril Hills Neptune - Even with TWO astronomy clubs involved in this event, the Mount St. Helens Hiking Club was the only one to bring along a telescope - three years in a row. Comet Swift-Tuttle - Columbia River Reader brightened up the outer solar system again. Thanks for supporting us with a great description in the CRR! Pluto - Rose City Astronomers came all the way from Portland to set up at the far end of the solar system. Check out their calendar of events next time you're in Portland. Space Shuttle - thank you Ray Zimmerman and the Afifi Shrine for helping our walkers get back to the start. We've already heard great feedback - much appreciated! The Shriners meet to have fun and to support Shriner Hospitals around the world. Thank you also... Thank you, Emiley Siters for loaning us canopies from Youth and Family Link again. You kept Santa dry! Thank you, Joe Hotai, for permission to use your photos again (most of the photos above are his). "Joe" Kazumi Hotai * * * * * Which planet won the Out of This World Award? Our team of judges, Comet Me Bro, made their decision. Tiegan and Lucy walked the whole route and judged each planet on these criteria:
The winner will be announced at FoG's next meeting (details below). The prize? An awesome custom-made, astronomy-themed wreath. * * * * * Most of all, thank you everyone who came out for the event! You got a chance to meet some of the terrific people here in Longview and to learn about local clubs. Do you want another Solstice Lantern Walk in 2022? Come to Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club and help make it happen:
Happy New Year! Roy Gawlick Solstice Coordinator Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club Looks like we get to enjoy a wee bit of rain for the Solstice Lantern Walk.
Don't worry - we won't cancel and you won't melt. Dress for the weather, bring your lanterns and flashlights, and check out the great community groups who will help us bring light and cheer to the longest night of the year! Don't forget to pick up a passport at the Sun (south end of Lake Sacajawea)! Bring some light and cheer to the longest night of the year. Celebrate the return of longer days. Meet some of the small organizations that make Longview a great place to live!
We'll follow the granite planet markers on the west side of the lake.
More event info on our Solstice page. Our community groups are working hard to make a wow experience for you. We're going to have judges choose which group has done the best job. Be sure you vote for your favorite, too! Our winner will get a custom-made, space-themed wreath, generously donated by Twiggy Wreaths. We'll award it at our January meeting. Just two weeks to go! Longview's third Solstice Lantern Walk Through the Solar System will be on Saturday, December 18th. The event starts at 7:00 PM at the south end of Lake Sacajawea. Bring light and cheer to the longest night of the year. Celebrate the return of longer days by coming out to meet great community groups (see the list on our Solstice page). They're going to light up the park - bring your own lantern or headlight and do your part to chase away the dark. Get your Solstice passport at the Sun (south end of the lake) and get it stamped at each planet. See you there! Oh, and feel free to share the event poster (.pdf below). Print it and see if your school, business, dentist etc can display it. ![]()
Hello, everyone
We regret to say that Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club must cancel this year's Solstice Lantern Walk. We had hoped it would be a go, especially with the City of Longview itself hosting a Halloween event at the Lake. However, the governor's latest directives shut down most outdoor activity until December 14. Even if all goes well by then, five days would not be a reasonable planning window for our December 19th event. All of the sponsors I've been in touch with wanted to go ahead this year. Thank you for your support! We hope to have our normal event in 2021. We may even have an extra summer event. Stay tuned!
Happy New Year and thank you Longview!
We had a great turnout for Longview's second annual Solstice Lantern Walk through the Solar System on December 21. We didn't have a full moon this year, but we did have tacos! We brightened the longest night, celebrated the return of longer days, and met great people. Here are some highlights. The rain cleared up just in time for the Walk. We estimate that 400 people walked part or all of the 3.7 billion miles from the Sun, at the south end of Lake Sacajawea to Pluto, at the north end. Couples, individuals, families, and pets had a great time - many dressed up with lanterns and lights. We had at least one couple drive up from Portland just to participate. Our route followed the Solar System Walk given to the City of Longview by the Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club in 2001. The walk is a series of granite markers showing the relative distances between the Sun and the planets - it's our solar system, scaled down to Lake Sacajawea. The markers follow the path on the west side of Lake Sacajawea, over 1.64 miles. Map of Solar System Walk We had passports for people to take to each planet and get it stamped. Thank you to Laval for the terrific passport design. Thank you to Pat and Michelle at Copies Today/Speedy Litho for donating the printing for our passports. They looked great! The planets were lit up in a small way or in a big way. Kids got candy at several planets and people got to know some of the great clubs in our community. * * * * * If you walked the whole Solar System (3.7 billion miles!), you saw: The Sun - Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club started off the event with lanterns and passports and candy for the kids. FoG has monthly meetings (details below), sidewalk astronomy, star parties, and our annual overnight event at Mount St. Helens. Mercury - Kelso Freemasons Lodge #94 has been part of Kelso for over 125 years! Come by for a coffee on a Saturday morning and find out about the historic building and a centuries-old fraternity (204 S. Pacific Ave, Kelso). Venus - Girl Scouts of Western Washington brought cookies to Venus again. Keep an eye out for their new location on Commerce Ave. Opening soon - but the Girl Scouts are active now! Earth - Three Rivers Christian School is a new sponsor this year. What a great job - they cleaned up in the online votes and the students did a huge amount of work. Their teepee lanterns were especially cool. Santa Claus - Did you see him on his travels along the solar system? Ho ho ho! Mars - Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School was our first planet sponsor! A lot of people were interested to hear about a resource for adults and teens to grow their self confidence and become who they are meant to be. Learn self defense in a friendly, low-impact, non-competitive atmosphere right here in Longview. Planet Taco - Thank you, La Familia Taqueria, for joining us with your food truck. Their tacos were great, and helped fortify people during their billion-mile walk. La Familia Taqueria Jupiter - Longview Freemasons Lodge #263 - Our most generous donor. Thank you, Masons! They have been making good men better for centuries. Longview Lodge will celebrate its first century the year after Longview does. Find out more at their Thursday breakfasts (823 7th Ave, Longview, about 8:00 am). Saturn - Kelso-Longview Elks, Lodge #1482. The Elks are another new sponsor this year. They did a great job. Did you see Saturn and its rings hanging from the trees? elks #1482 Uranus - The Boy Scouts of America, Cascade Pacific Council didn't just have a good set up and interesting information about their planet ("12 Facts About Uranus"!), they added s'mores and a warming tent! Both were very welcome at that point in the walk. This year, the Boy Scouts upped their game. Our long-term goal is to line the whole route - 1.64 miles - with luminarias to mark the path. The Boy Scouts themselves covered 0.6 miles, more than one third the route. With the other planets, we covered more than half the distance from Sun to Pluto. We did this in our second year, and mostly due to the Boy Scouts. Wow! Sacajawea - Amtgard, Shire of Mithril Hills, is another new sponsor. Amtgard is a LARP, a live-action role playing group. Swords, shields, spells - come watch them practice or better yet, join in! They practice at noon on Sundays in Lexington Park. Amtgard Mithril Hills Neptune - Even with TWO astronomy clubs involved in this event, the Mount St. Helens Hiking Club was the only one to bring along a telescope - two years in a row. Plus, they gave out some amazing taffy this year. Comet Swift-Tuttle - New sponsor Columbia River Reader brightened up the outer solar system, and handed out very cool fidget spinners. Pluto - Rose City Astronomers came all the way from Portland to set up at the far end of the solar system. Check out their calendar of events next time you're in Portland. Two Space Shuttles! This year we had not one but two space shuttles driving between the Sun and Pluto for those unable to walk the round trip. Phil Sari of Columbia Ford generously loaned us the vans. Thank you, Phil, and thank you drivers Ron and Kevin! Thank you also... Thank you, Emiley for loaning us canopies from Youth and Family Link, for the space shuttles and for some of our sponsors. Thank you, Joe Hotai, for permission to use your photos. It was great to meet you! Kazumi Hotai Judging the planets Our judges Marin, Ava and Noel walked the whole route and judged each planet on these criteria:
We will announce the winner of the Out of This World Award and the People's Choice Award (thank you, online voters) at our next club meeting (details below). * * * * * Most of all, thank you everyone who came out for the event! You got a chance to meet some of the terrific people here in Longview and to learn about local clubs. Do you want another Solstice Lantern Walk in 2020? Come to the next meeting of Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club and help make it happen. Next meeting: 7:00 PM, Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Mark Morris High School Large Group Instructional Center (enter west side) Directions and map on our About page Happy New Year! Roy Gawlick Solstice Coordinator Friends of Galileo Astronomy Club |
Friends of Galileo
We are astronomy enthusiasts who love to learn and to share our wonder at the amazing sights right overhead. Archives
December 2024